Companion: Sister Jessy Montclair
I love the work of the Lord. There is nothing like serving him every moment of the day. Sweat and all. Mom, Dad, family and friends, I testify that miracles occur every day. This week in particular. I have a deeper sense that the very strings of eternity have woven together in such a way as to completely change the lives of certain individuals. I know that "by small and simple things are great things brought to pass." (Alma 37:6) Great things are happening, the Lord is preparing his children! "Shall we not go on in so great a cause? Go forward and not backward. Courage, and on, on to the victory! Let your hearts rejoice, and be exceedingly glad. Let the earth break forth into singing." (D&C 128:22) I feel like Ammon when he could not contain his joy at the conversion of the Lamanites. He says in Alma 26:8, "Blessed be the name of our God; let us sing to his praise, yea, let us give thanks to his holy name, for he doth work righteousness forever." My life has been forever changed, and I will never look back.
First, allow me to mention my new companion. Sister Montclair has been out for 17 months, and is also a sister training leader. She is fantastic. I'm grateful that she is fluent in Spanish, though not Spanish called, because we run into quite a bit of Hispanics. She served on the border of Mexico for 6 months of her mission. I'm excited to work with her this transfer!
There is a woman named {A} that we just started teaching. She referred herself. Though she hasn't been previously taught by missionaries, she is ready to act on whatever commitment we extend. She came to church on Sunday and is eager to learn. Basically she is very prepared and fell out of the sky. She has a friend go is a member where she used to live introduced her to the gospel. She received a priesthood blessing years ago, and has recently sought us out to teach her.
This week we taught {D}, {M}, {L}, {S}, and {R} several times. Earlier in the week we taught them the 10 commandments. They loved learning the hand signs. They readily committed to keep the 10 commandments. Later in the week Sister Montclair and I taught them about the baptismal covenant. A covenant is a two way promise between us and God. God sets the terms. When baptized by someone holding the restored priesthood authority of God, we promise with him hat we will keep his commandments, always remember him, and help others. In return he promises us the most precious of any gift and that is to always have his spirit to be with us. One of the commandments he has given us is to keep the Sabbath day holy. That is in essence what we taught them about. Through the guidance of the spirit, we taught them the importance of the sacrament and keeping that sacred day holy. By the end of the lesson, we asked them if they will keep the Sabbath day holy. They responded with a resounding "Yes". We then asked if they will come to church this Sunday. Again, a firm, resounding "Yes". I'm telling you, when someone truly commits to live a law of God, it is as though the Heavens are singing. It is totally different then when someone just sort of says they'll do it but don't really mean it.
Yesterday it finally happened. All 5 of them came to church. I wish you could have seen the team that rallied them up that morning. Sister Montclair and I went by to make sure they were good to go. Upon opening the door, they were all ready and excited. Shortly after we arrived a couple from the ward came to pick them up. After they arrived the couple who taught them with us the day before came for support. We miraculously got the whole family to church with tremendous support. Despite the fact that cute little {R} was loud during the sacrament, the whole day was a spiritual experience for that beautiful family. Luckily {R} had no problem going to nursery.
During the third hour Elder and Sister Adair, sister Montclair, and I had the privilege to help with sharing time in primary. While we waited in the back it was fun to observe {M}, {L} and {S}. They fit right in. {M} enthusiastically participates. He is always eager to raise his hand and share a comment. Though his insightful comment usually doesn't make it until called upon. He loves to sing with everyone else, and has a surprisingly beautiful voice. {L} is so mature for his age. He is less outgoing then his brother, but full of wisdom for someone as young as he is. {S} made friends with the little girl in her class immediately and told her Dad later that her teacher is awesome. When the primary presidency welcomed and introduced us, {M} said, "Those are my missionaries. They are awesome!" My heart sang to hear him say that. What a warming feeling to know that I am his missionary. I can see him a few years from now dressed in a white shirt, tie, and black name tag. An ordained servant of the Lord, a full-time missionary touching the lives of others and telling them of his sister missionaries. I can see him dressed in white, being sealed to an eternal companion in the temple and raising his children in the gospel. That vision brings tears to my eyes. I love that family so much.
How grateful I am to participate in the greatest work both in Heaven and on Earth. This is more than simple invitations. This is inviting people to receive exaltation. It is changing the course of people's lives so they can partake of the fruit of the tree of life, or in other words, have a fullness of joy.
I feel that this is the perfect ending to this letter. So I love you all.
All in!
Sister Record
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Sister Annelise Record |
Sister Annelise Record |
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Sister Johnston (Trainer) and Sister Record at MLC |
Sister Pito, Sister Bills and Sister Record. Red, white and blue is the theme! |
Sister Pito, Sister Record and Sister Bills |
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