Area: Serenada/Georgetown
Companion: Sister Raelynn Pito
Companion: Sister Rachel Bills
"...cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail. But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever..." (See Moroni 7:46-47)
The pure love of Christ is the driving force of his disciples in doing His work. This week I learned a powerful lesson. That is that we must love the Lord first. Before anyone, or anything else. We must love the Lord and seek to please him before we do our families, our closest friends, our companions, and all people we meet. If we do not love the Lord and seek him first, then it doesn't matter how much we try and prove our love to someone. We cannot truly love someone without first loving the Lord. In other words, when we love Christ, our love for others grows and we can then love them as He loves them. We often hear of the 5 love languages. It is fascinating and informative to look at different ways people express or feel love. Though it is a wonderful way to look at the concept, there is really only one love language. One that everyone understands and feels. That is charity.
Looking back, Sister Pito and I have come so far. I consider her one of my dearest friends. Why is that? In the MTC we were so different. It's amazing how much we didn't know each other. I was stiff as a board, and she was the opposite. We could rarely agree on things. We learned to love each other by the end of those two weeks. During my first transfer, I prayed earnestly that we would be companions again sometime. Come to find out later when we were companions again, she did too. Even last transfer, we had to work to understand each other. We are now dear friends. So why? Because we love the Lord. I am so grateful for all that I have learned from Sister Pito. She is a strong, determined, dedicated servant of the Lord.
It is amazing how powerful the gift of charity is. "Pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with his love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his son, Jesus Christ." (Moroni 7:48)
Sister Bills is amazing too. I just love all of my companions!
On Sunday {J} was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was such a special experience. The joy I felt for her was indescribable. If that was all that happened on this mission, I would be satisfied. There is a noticeable difference in her eyes. She has such a sweet spirit. Her life, and her heart have been changed, and her family will see that. She does everything we invite her to do.
We also had the opportunity to teach {D} and his four kids. The oldest is 11, the youngest is almost 2. They are all so eager to learn, and full of childlike faith. When we asked them questions, they answered everything so accurately. It was fun to play follow the leader to help the kids understand the role of a prophet. Elder Adair came with Sister Bills and I, and Sister Pito went on a split with someone in the ward. I love teaching kids, they are so smart!
We played kick ball for Zone P-day. It was pretty fun, and hot. Ha ha.
Happy Birthday yesterday to my brother, Jason! It's crazy that you're already 23. Love ya, Jay!
I love you all!
Sister Record
Sister Annelise Record is serving an English speaking 18 month full-time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Texas San Antonio Mission (TSAM).
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Monday, June 22, 2015
Baptism and Invitations
Area: Serenada/Georgetown
Companion: Sister Raelynn Pito
Companion: Sister Rachel Bills
Sorry this is late today! We went to Burger University with some Sisters in the Serenada ward. It is fantastic! It kind of reminded me of the Disney movie, Monsters University. The menu is so cute! I decided that after my mission, I'm bringing y'all back with me to Georgetown because it is so full of fun things. Afterwards we went to a cute thrift store and explored the courthouse. We took some fun pictures.
This Father's Day season, I'd like to take a moment to recognize all the things I love about my Dad.
I remember watching my Dad hold my baby brother in such a gentle way, with his arms wrapped around his tiny body. Somewhere in my memory I remember being held like that, encircled in the fatherly arms of safety. That feeling has never left me. Wherever I am, whatever I'm experiencing, I know that his arms will always be open. Dad, through your example, I have learned of my Father in Heaven's love for me. From a toddler at Burger King, to a soon-to-be missionary at the temple, Daddy-Daughter dates are priceless gems of eternal worth. Spending time with the family has always been your highest priority. There have been countless days where you came home after a long day of work and played with us kids, other days you came home early to help out around the house, or even took the day off when we needed more family time, or someone was sick. I will never forget the love and attention you give me when ever I talk. You turn away from whatever you're doing and give me your full attention. Those many hours of helping me with math homework, of talking to me about dating a man who loves his mother, and discussing the principles of the gospel have taught me so much. The first time I really started studying the Book of Mormon was after I saw you taking your own personal study time consistently every morning. Thank you for your love. You will always be Daddy to me, but how grateful I am for a Father who cares, lifts, and supports all those around him. I love you, Dad. And Happy Fathers Day! This video is for you.
This week we did have a baptism! I'm glad y'all got the pictures. :) Everything about the baptism was a miracle. {J}, (the woman who was baptized) had been meeting with the Elders before we came into the area. They prepared her beautifully. There came a point where she stopped progressing, and they moved on with faith. Our first Sunday in the Georgetown ward Elder and Sister Adair pointed her out to us and told us that she was an investigator. She came to church with one goal in mind. And that was to pay tithing. She did, and the next week she came to church again. She related to us a huge blessing she had seen after paying her tithing and knew that it was from the Lord. We still hadn't met with her ourselves at that point. As she talked to us the spirit distinctly impressed upon our minds that we needed to meet with her and that she was ready to start progressing again. That week we discussed what step to take with her. We felt that we needed to invite her to be baptized the following Saturday, which was a week and a half away. Our first lesson with her was powerful as she accepted the invitation to be baptized in a week. We met with her every day after that to ensure that she would be ready. It was amazing to see the Lord work in her. At the time we asked her, there was still a lot she needed to understand. Each time we felt unsure, the spirit reassured us that she was ready. As we asked her the baptismal interview questions it became clear that she was ready. Day after day we taught her. By Friday, an amazing transformation occurred in her. Her faith is so pure and so strong. Her baptism was beautiful. We stood at the font to watch her be baptized. A flood of emotion washed over me as she came up out of the water. This experience is a testimony to me that the Lord prepares his children. {J} is an incredible light to those around her, and is eager to learn and to help others. I know that we were meant to be here at this time to help her enter the waters of baptism.
We have had a lot of unplanned service opportunities this week. The other day we were able to help a woman carry her groceries in and ended up teaching her a lesson. She was very kind, but not interested. We felt impressed to invite her to be baptized. So we did, and she declined, saying that she has already been baptized in her church. It was neat to explain to her the doctrine of the priesthood and how Christ was baptized. Even though she declined, the spirit was very strong. Our purpose is to "invite others to come unto Christ through [the doctrine of Christ]". The key word is invite. I'm grateful for our Savior, Jesus Christ and how he invites me each of us to come unto him.
I love you all! Thanks for all you do.
Sister Record
P.S. Just so you know, I'm going to record myself singing a song and send it to you. Possibly today, but I'm not sure if I'll get the chance.
Companion: Sister Raelynn Pito
Companion: Sister Rachel Bills
Sorry this is late today! We went to Burger University with some Sisters in the Serenada ward. It is fantastic! It kind of reminded me of the Disney movie, Monsters University. The menu is so cute! I decided that after my mission, I'm bringing y'all back with me to Georgetown because it is so full of fun things. Afterwards we went to a cute thrift store and explored the courthouse. We took some fun pictures.
Sister Record at the courthouse |
This Father's Day season, I'd like to take a moment to recognize all the things I love about my Dad.
I remember watching my Dad hold my baby brother in such a gentle way, with his arms wrapped around his tiny body. Somewhere in my memory I remember being held like that, encircled in the fatherly arms of safety. That feeling has never left me. Wherever I am, whatever I'm experiencing, I know that his arms will always be open. Dad, through your example, I have learned of my Father in Heaven's love for me. From a toddler at Burger King, to a soon-to-be missionary at the temple, Daddy-Daughter dates are priceless gems of eternal worth. Spending time with the family has always been your highest priority. There have been countless days where you came home after a long day of work and played with us kids, other days you came home early to help out around the house, or even took the day off when we needed more family time, or someone was sick. I will never forget the love and attention you give me when ever I talk. You turn away from whatever you're doing and give me your full attention. Those many hours of helping me with math homework, of talking to me about dating a man who loves his mother, and discussing the principles of the gospel have taught me so much. The first time I really started studying the Book of Mormon was after I saw you taking your own personal study time consistently every morning. Thank you for your love. You will always be Daddy to me, but how grateful I am for a Father who cares, lifts, and supports all those around him. I love you, Dad. And Happy Fathers Day! This video is for you.
This week we did have a baptism! I'm glad y'all got the pictures. :) Everything about the baptism was a miracle. {J}, (the woman who was baptized) had been meeting with the Elders before we came into the area. They prepared her beautifully. There came a point where she stopped progressing, and they moved on with faith. Our first Sunday in the Georgetown ward Elder and Sister Adair pointed her out to us and told us that she was an investigator. She came to church with one goal in mind. And that was to pay tithing. She did, and the next week she came to church again. She related to us a huge blessing she had seen after paying her tithing and knew that it was from the Lord. We still hadn't met with her ourselves at that point. As she talked to us the spirit distinctly impressed upon our minds that we needed to meet with her and that she was ready to start progressing again. That week we discussed what step to take with her. We felt that we needed to invite her to be baptized the following Saturday, which was a week and a half away. Our first lesson with her was powerful as she accepted the invitation to be baptized in a week. We met with her every day after that to ensure that she would be ready. It was amazing to see the Lord work in her. At the time we asked her, there was still a lot she needed to understand. Each time we felt unsure, the spirit reassured us that she was ready. As we asked her the baptismal interview questions it became clear that she was ready. Day after day we taught her. By Friday, an amazing transformation occurred in her. Her faith is so pure and so strong. Her baptism was beautiful. We stood at the font to watch her be baptized. A flood of emotion washed over me as she came up out of the water. This experience is a testimony to me that the Lord prepares his children. {J} is an incredible light to those around her, and is eager to learn and to help others. I know that we were meant to be here at this time to help her enter the waters of baptism.
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Sister Record, Sister Bills, {J}, Sister Pito |
I love you all! Thanks for all you do.
Sister Record
P.S. Just so you know, I'm going to record myself singing a song and send it to you. Possibly today, but I'm not sure if I'll get the chance.
Second Area,
Georgetown, TX, USA
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Would you like some water?
Area: Serenada/Georgetown
Companion: Sister Raelynn Pito
Companion: Sister Rachel Bills
Good morning!
There are a couple investigators we're teaching that are really progressing and are committed to be baptized soon. I'll keep you updated on them.
We had a neat experience this week that I want to describe in detail. As I do, you will see how apparent the Lords hand was in the whole thing. It all starts with the night before. After praying and seeking for inspiration, we planned for the next day, as we do, each night. The following day we went to a neighborhood we planned and stopped by a couple people from our area book. None of which were home, so we decided to walk. At one point we were leaving someone's door and ready to go back to the car. We were pretty far away from it and were trying to decide which way to go back. We decided to turn left. But as we were leaving we went to the right. We didn't say anything, we just walked, even though we had previously decided to turn left. We walked, knocked on a couple doors, and we were nearing the turn we were going to take to get back to the street our car was on. But on the street before the turn we were going to take, we saw a family outside in their yard. Sister Pito asked, "have we talked to them?" I said, "I can't remember." So we went for it. They were not interested, and I realized that Sister Rowley and I had previously met the wife.
Instead of turning back, we kept walk down that street because it also led back to the street we were headed to. Near the end of that street just before our turn, we saw a woman outside talking on her phone. Sometimes we talk to people when their on the phone, sometimes we don't. Initially we might have passed by her. But this time we slowed down and listened to see if she would say bye. As soon as she did we turned around and walked back to her. She was so nice. At first we were talking at surface level, introducing ourselves, etc. She asked us if we wanted some water. We could have either said, "no thanks" or "yes please". We said yes. As a result, she invited us into her home. We taught her the restoration, and she is amazingly prepared. She easily accepted the first vision and a prophet in our day because of an incredible experience she had years ago. She's been through a lot, but is such a kind, deeply spiritual person. She has two young children, and has gone on mission trips to Mexico with them. We invited her to come to church the next day. She agreed, and the next day, all three of them came to church. She's well known in the community because she owns her own business, so a lot of the ward members already knew her, including the bishop. She loved it and agreed to come back and continue learning.
Now, imagine if all those little events that led up to that moment didn't happen. Imagine if we weren't rejected by that family just before. If we hadn't talked to that family the timing would not have been perfect in finding {K}. Following the promptings of the spirit is so key in finding those whom the lord is preparing. Often times we need to talk to someone who is not prepared in order to find those who are prepared. And often times those who are prepared are those who we wouldn't initially think to talk to because they're "busy on the phone", or don't seem like "the type". It's amazing how when we are truly living his gospel and being obedient, that he puts us where we need to be and we do not doubt. When we're not being obedient it's easy to miss precious opportunities.
We see so many miracles every day. I know that when we humble our hearts, and plead for the eyes to see, we began to see Gods hand in wonderful ways.
I feel so blessed to be here. My companions are amazing. Sister Pito and I have gotten really close. Sister Bills has brought a needed light to this area. Together, with the Lord, nothing can stop his work form moving forward full speed. How grateful I am for this restored gospel, and the gift of repentance. It is beautiful. I will proclaim the gospel and declare the beauty of repentance forever more.
"...But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay." Jeremiah 20:9
This church is true. We have a living prophet. Through Christ we can be made clean.
I love you all! Keep looking for those missionary opportunities. The promise from the lord is that there are people prepared right now, in this land. Meaning, wherever you are. Someone is prepared today to feel, to see, and to hear your testimony. (See Alma 13:24)
All in!
Sister Record <3
Companion: Sister Raelynn Pito
Companion: Sister Rachel Bills
Good morning!
There are a couple investigators we're teaching that are really progressing and are committed to be baptized soon. I'll keep you updated on them.
We had a neat experience this week that I want to describe in detail. As I do, you will see how apparent the Lords hand was in the whole thing. It all starts with the night before. After praying and seeking for inspiration, we planned for the next day, as we do, each night. The following day we went to a neighborhood we planned and stopped by a couple people from our area book. None of which were home, so we decided to walk. At one point we were leaving someone's door and ready to go back to the car. We were pretty far away from it and were trying to decide which way to go back. We decided to turn left. But as we were leaving we went to the right. We didn't say anything, we just walked, even though we had previously decided to turn left. We walked, knocked on a couple doors, and we were nearing the turn we were going to take to get back to the street our car was on. But on the street before the turn we were going to take, we saw a family outside in their yard. Sister Pito asked, "have we talked to them?" I said, "I can't remember." So we went for it. They were not interested, and I realized that Sister Rowley and I had previously met the wife.
Instead of turning back, we kept walk down that street because it also led back to the street we were headed to. Near the end of that street just before our turn, we saw a woman outside talking on her phone. Sometimes we talk to people when their on the phone, sometimes we don't. Initially we might have passed by her. But this time we slowed down and listened to see if she would say bye. As soon as she did we turned around and walked back to her. She was so nice. At first we were talking at surface level, introducing ourselves, etc. She asked us if we wanted some water. We could have either said, "no thanks" or "yes please". We said yes. As a result, she invited us into her home. We taught her the restoration, and she is amazingly prepared. She easily accepted the first vision and a prophet in our day because of an incredible experience she had years ago. She's been through a lot, but is such a kind, deeply spiritual person. She has two young children, and has gone on mission trips to Mexico with them. We invited her to come to church the next day. She agreed, and the next day, all three of them came to church. She's well known in the community because she owns her own business, so a lot of the ward members already knew her, including the bishop. She loved it and agreed to come back and continue learning.
Now, imagine if all those little events that led up to that moment didn't happen. Imagine if we weren't rejected by that family just before. If we hadn't talked to that family the timing would not have been perfect in finding {K}. Following the promptings of the spirit is so key in finding those whom the lord is preparing. Often times we need to talk to someone who is not prepared in order to find those who are prepared. And often times those who are prepared are those who we wouldn't initially think to talk to because they're "busy on the phone", or don't seem like "the type". It's amazing how when we are truly living his gospel and being obedient, that he puts us where we need to be and we do not doubt. When we're not being obedient it's easy to miss precious opportunities.
We see so many miracles every day. I know that when we humble our hearts, and plead for the eyes to see, we began to see Gods hand in wonderful ways.
I feel so blessed to be here. My companions are amazing. Sister Pito and I have gotten really close. Sister Bills has brought a needed light to this area. Together, with the Lord, nothing can stop his work form moving forward full speed. How grateful I am for this restored gospel, and the gift of repentance. It is beautiful. I will proclaim the gospel and declare the beauty of repentance forever more.
"...But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay." Jeremiah 20:9
This church is true. We have a living prophet. Through Christ we can be made clean.
I love you all! Keep looking for those missionary opportunities. The promise from the lord is that there are people prepared right now, in this land. Meaning, wherever you are. Someone is prepared today to feel, to see, and to hear your testimony. (See Alma 13:24)
All in!
Sister Record <3
Second Area,
Georgetown, TX, USA
Monday, June 8, 2015
And Their Box Shall Never Fail
Area: Serenada/Georgetown
Companion: Sister Raelynn Pito
Companion: Sister Rachel Bills
Good morning!
This week has been such an incredible week full of miracles and growth! This work is truly the Lords work.
One of the subtle miracles I've noticed this week is that we have not run out of copies of the Book of Mormon. Lately we've felt inspired to hand our more copies of the Book of Mormon. A couple weeks ago we were almost out of them. We asked our district leader for some of theirs. The gave us a stack of about 20. Throughout this week I kept wondering how many we had left because we were bound to be out of them at any moment. We just kept handing them out without worrying about it. Yesterday I saw that we still have a lot left. In my mind I was thinking, "that can't be though, because we didn't have very many to begin with." Interesting... I'm still not sure how to explain that, but I do know that the Lords work will always move forward unhindered. And every single time we go to get another Book of Mormon there is a big stack of them and were able to give one out to each person that we feel inspired to.
Yesterday we had so many lessons in both areas. One of them was with a woman who we've met several times. Each time she was busy and not super interested. This time we came to her door and asked if she had a few minutes we could come in and share a message of hope with her. She agreed and let us in. Initially she was totally against the Book of Mormon and the Prophet, Joseph Smith. She had so many objections, all of which could be answered. However, we didn't jump right into answering them, knowing that we needed the spirit. We showed her the "he lives" video and that changed the environment.
The Holy Ghost was so strong as we testified of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, completely illuminating any doubts she had. Her heart softened, and she listened intently. She then committed to read the Book of Mormon and pray to find out if it is true, and we got a return appointment. It was amazing the change of heart she had after that! We were so bubbly after that lesson that we sang hymn after hymn in the car on the way to our next destination. That was one of many miraculous lessons we have had this week.
I've been thinking about an experience I had a couple months before I left for my mission. I was sitting in a mission prep class when something the teacher said caused me to deeply reflect on my commitment to serve a mission. I wondered, if I knew before leaving that not a single door would open for me, that I would never see someone come and be baptized, and that each companion would be totally opposite from my personality, would I still go? Would I still choose to go even if I knew that all I would face was rejection? I pondered on that for some time, and came to the absolute conclusion that I would. Why? Because I had felt of the redeeming power of the atonement and wanted to share the great joy of the restored gospel with others. I knew that even if that were the case, I would be satisfied in knowing that I was serving the Lord. The spirit then bore witness to me that that would not be the case. That the gifts God has given me would be used to touch the hearts of many.
That decision I made proved to be an important one. I had an opportunity to renew my commitment with the Lord as I stood in testimony meeting and testified. The spirit filled my being as my mouth opened and the words of eternal life proceeded forth. Almost without realizing it I declared the truth, "If it were not true, I would not be here. I give my life, and will continue to give my life for this cause." I was overcome with emotion when I realized that the very words coming out of my mouth were a direct answer to my prayers, a renewal of my commitment to the Lord and his work. I am here because this is the truth. "I know it. I live it. I love it."
Before my mission, I thought I knew the gospel. I didn't. It wasn't until I was consistently teaching and testifying of the principles that I really understood and gained a knowledge of his gospel. There is power in bearing our testimonies. When we don't feel like sharing our testimonies, or when we think we're not strong enough to do it, that is when we need to the most. Because it is then that the spirit can bear witness not only to those listening, but to our own hearts.
Now, what is a testimony? Well, it isn't telling a story for 10 minutes. It isn't listing our blessings. Both of those things are very good and important to do. But they are not testimonies. We will not understand the gospel until we truly understand what a testimony is, and share it. A testimony is a declaration of truth. The shorter and more clearly stated it is, the more powerful it is for the spirit to testify to each heart, including our own.
I testify with everything that I am that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. The people in it were real people. And the message contained within is of Christ and of eternity. Jesus is the Christ. Through him, I have changed. Through him, I continue to change. He is the light, life, and hope of the world. He is my strength. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the Lord's kingdom on the Earth. In it is found the fullness of his gospel and his restored priesthood. God loves me, and he loves each of his children. These things I know of a surety, through the power of the Holy Ghost. I testify of these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Sister Record
P.S. Yes, this is sent from my iPad. :)
Sent from my iPad
Companion: Sister Raelynn Pito
Companion: Sister Rachel Bills
Good morning!
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Sister Record, Sister Bills and Sister Pito |
This week has been such an incredible week full of miracles and growth! This work is truly the Lords work.
One of the subtle miracles I've noticed this week is that we have not run out of copies of the Book of Mormon. Lately we've felt inspired to hand our more copies of the Book of Mormon. A couple weeks ago we were almost out of them. We asked our district leader for some of theirs. The gave us a stack of about 20. Throughout this week I kept wondering how many we had left because we were bound to be out of them at any moment. We just kept handing them out without worrying about it. Yesterday I saw that we still have a lot left. In my mind I was thinking, "that can't be though, because we didn't have very many to begin with." Interesting... I'm still not sure how to explain that, but I do know that the Lords work will always move forward unhindered. And every single time we go to get another Book of Mormon there is a big stack of them and were able to give one out to each person that we feel inspired to.
Yesterday we had so many lessons in both areas. One of them was with a woman who we've met several times. Each time she was busy and not super interested. This time we came to her door and asked if she had a few minutes we could come in and share a message of hope with her. She agreed and let us in. Initially she was totally against the Book of Mormon and the Prophet, Joseph Smith. She had so many objections, all of which could be answered. However, we didn't jump right into answering them, knowing that we needed the spirit. We showed her the "he lives" video and that changed the environment.
Because He Lives
The Holy Ghost was so strong as we testified of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, completely illuminating any doubts she had. Her heart softened, and she listened intently. She then committed to read the Book of Mormon and pray to find out if it is true, and we got a return appointment. It was amazing the change of heart she had after that! We were so bubbly after that lesson that we sang hymn after hymn in the car on the way to our next destination. That was one of many miraculous lessons we have had this week.
I've been thinking about an experience I had a couple months before I left for my mission. I was sitting in a mission prep class when something the teacher said caused me to deeply reflect on my commitment to serve a mission. I wondered, if I knew before leaving that not a single door would open for me, that I would never see someone come and be baptized, and that each companion would be totally opposite from my personality, would I still go? Would I still choose to go even if I knew that all I would face was rejection? I pondered on that for some time, and came to the absolute conclusion that I would. Why? Because I had felt of the redeeming power of the atonement and wanted to share the great joy of the restored gospel with others. I knew that even if that were the case, I would be satisfied in knowing that I was serving the Lord. The spirit then bore witness to me that that would not be the case. That the gifts God has given me would be used to touch the hearts of many.
That decision I made proved to be an important one. I had an opportunity to renew my commitment with the Lord as I stood in testimony meeting and testified. The spirit filled my being as my mouth opened and the words of eternal life proceeded forth. Almost without realizing it I declared the truth, "If it were not true, I would not be here. I give my life, and will continue to give my life for this cause." I was overcome with emotion when I realized that the very words coming out of my mouth were a direct answer to my prayers, a renewal of my commitment to the Lord and his work. I am here because this is the truth. "I know it. I live it. I love it."
Before my mission, I thought I knew the gospel. I didn't. It wasn't until I was consistently teaching and testifying of the principles that I really understood and gained a knowledge of his gospel. There is power in bearing our testimonies. When we don't feel like sharing our testimonies, or when we think we're not strong enough to do it, that is when we need to the most. Because it is then that the spirit can bear witness not only to those listening, but to our own hearts.
Now, what is a testimony? Well, it isn't telling a story for 10 minutes. It isn't listing our blessings. Both of those things are very good and important to do. But they are not testimonies. We will not understand the gospel until we truly understand what a testimony is, and share it. A testimony is a declaration of truth. The shorter and more clearly stated it is, the more powerful it is for the spirit to testify to each heart, including our own.
I testify with everything that I am that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. The people in it were real people. And the message contained within is of Christ and of eternity. Jesus is the Christ. Through him, I have changed. Through him, I continue to change. He is the light, life, and hope of the world. He is my strength. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the Lord's kingdom on the Earth. In it is found the fullness of his gospel and his restored priesthood. God loves me, and he loves each of his children. These things I know of a surety, through the power of the Holy Ghost. I testify of these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Sister Record
P.S. Yes, this is sent from my iPad. :)
Sent from my iPad
Second Area,
Georgetown, TX, USA
Monday, June 1, 2015
A Trio
Area: Serenada/Georgetown
Companion: Sister Raelynn Pito
Companion: Sister Rachel Bills
Our new companion is Sister Rachel Bills. She's been serving for almost 12 months now. It's quite the adventure being in two wards. We're still figuring out how to do it. Luckily Sister Bills has some experience working in two wards. Our first day in Georgetown we met a whole bunch of people in one little apartment complex. There was one lady walking down the street who let us right into her home to teach her and her family.
No severe weather where we're at, but we had the opportunity to help with clean up in some areas where severe flooding occurred. Put on Helping Hands Jerseys. :)
I'm sorry this letter is so short. We've had some complications with computer access. I don't have a whole lot of time on the Adairs tablet. I just want to let y'all know how much I love you and love this work.
We'll be getting our iPads this week. :) More updates to come next week. Again, sorry for the short letter.
I love you all!
Sister Record
Companion: Sister Raelynn Pito
Companion: Sister Rachel Bills
Our new companion is Sister Rachel Bills. She's been serving for almost 12 months now. It's quite the adventure being in two wards. We're still figuring out how to do it. Luckily Sister Bills has some experience working in two wards. Our first day in Georgetown we met a whole bunch of people in one little apartment complex. There was one lady walking down the street who let us right into her home to teach her and her family.
No severe weather where we're at, but we had the opportunity to help with clean up in some areas where severe flooding occurred. Put on Helping Hands Jerseys. :)
I'm sorry this letter is so short. We've had some complications with computer access. I don't have a whole lot of time on the Adairs tablet. I just want to let y'all know how much I love you and love this work.
We'll be getting our iPads this week. :) More updates to come next week. Again, sorry for the short letter.
I love you all!
Sister Record
Second Area,
Georgetown, TX, USA
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